WR20 ROAR Portfolio September


The September WR20 Roar Portfolio is an action packed edition with lots of videos and more than 200 images to enjoy. 

Free-ride downhill mountain biker Patrick premieres a new series called My Sport Naked and shows us in true WR style how he became one of the world´s top riders in a fairly dangerous sport. He then gets long-time contributors Lucas and Amir to don their cycling helmets (and nothing else) for a WR Masterclass, another new series where skilled athletes introduce their sport to other WR contributors. 

To steady their nerves, a Locktail is in order and this month’s treat is the Chocktail, a chocolate concoction that sweet-toothed Amir invented while working as a barman.  

After recovering from all that free-ride mountain biking, our newest naked recruit Patrick sits down by the pool to talk about how much sport means to him and why he wanted to join the Worldwide Roar.  

We are also delighted to e-welcome a new recruit, JR, from Washington DC.   While studying for his degree in sociology, JR set up a queer allies group among the sports clubs at his college, as well as interning in London with LGBT rights group Stonewall during the 2012 Olympics. JR is as committed as we are to increasing the visibility within WR of BIPOC men and particularly queer BIPOC men.  

Watch the WR21 Crowdfunder video as well as a demo of our new website, presented by our in-house IT expert Amir. 


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